Author Archives: CAKF Editor

Gala & Casino Night | Celebrating 30 Years!

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Gala and Casino Night fundraising event. This is a night of fun and entertainment for a good cause. Our event is scheduled for Saturday, September 16th at the Frontiers of Flight Museum.

Our annual event allows us to bring together our donors, supporters, and friends. This enchanting evening features gourmet dining, cocktails, casino games, and a testimonial from kids and families we help.

Help us change the lives of kids with special needs by sponsoring our 2023 Gala & Casino Night being held Saturday, September 16 2023 at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon Ave, Dallas, TX 75209. Sponsorship opportunities range from $1,000 to $25,000.

Please click here for more details:

Giving Tuesday



In 1993, the Founder of Challenge Air, Rick Amber, decided to buy an airplane and use it as a motivational tool to increase confidence and self-esteem in kids with special needs by giving them an opportunity to fly.

Rick’s dream was to give 1 million children with special needs the opportunity to learn more about flying and to dream that one-day they too could become a pilot. In the past 30 years, Challenge Air has flown over 36,000 co-pilots and their families.

Please join us this Giving Tuesday (November 28th) to continue to pursue Rick’s goal of flying 1 million co-pilots. Each fly day event is offered at no-cost to our co-pilots and their families. It costs approximately $250 to fly one child with special needs. Please join us today, or on Giving Tuesday to help build confidence in children with special needs.

Help us to land 2023 well, and to take off in 2024! Thank you for your support.

North Texas Giving Day


>>>>> ❤️ GIVE TODAY:

This year, on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, Challenge Air is participating in the Communities Foundation of Texas’ NTX Giving Day, an online giving extravaganza for our whole region.
Thousands of children with special needs have found new hope through the Challenge Air experience since its inception in 1993. There are still more children, however, that need to be reached.
Challenge Air is raising funds to support our mission of building confidence and self esteem in children with special needs. Any generous contribution you make can help a child experience the gift of flight!
Guess what? You don’t have to wait until North Texas Giving Day to give! Early giving is open now. Mark your calendar to support this life-changing mission and help support Challenge air’s goal to raise $50,000. 
Thanks for joining the Challenge Air for Kids and Friends family of supporters today and for being a part of the NTX Giving Day movement!


Adopt A Co-Pilot

Remember the first time you flew in an airplane? Often times, an experience flying with Challenge Air is a first time experience flying for our co-pilots.
You can change the way a child sees their disability by lifting their spirits and encouraging them to believe in themselves. Would you consider supporting just one flight?
Donating $150 to adopt one co-pilot, covers the estimated overhead cost per child. This affords us to be able to fly more and more kids every year, and you can even designate the city of your choice!
You will receive a thank you note from one of our co-pilots and you will also have the knowledge that you helped a child with special needs with an experience of a lifetime!
Thank you in advance for making dreams come true with the last memory of flying an airplane!

Dallas, TX Fly Day

Saturday, March 29th, 2025
Hosted by the beautiful Commemorative Air Force at Dallas Executive Airport located at 5661 Mariner Drive, Dallas, TX 75237
Coming to your first Fly Day as a participant, volunteer or pilot? Click HERE for a preview of the fun day ahead!


Tyler, TX Fly Day


Tyler, TX Fly Day scheduled for May 14th, 2022

Hosted at Tyler Pounds Airport Historic Aviation Memorial Museum, 150 Airport Dr #2-7, Tyler, TX 75704
Coming to your first Fly Day as a participant, volunteer or pilot? Click here for a preview of the fun day ahead!


Challenge Air takes the health and safety of our pilots, co-pilots, family members and volunteers very seriously.  Challenge Air follows local and national guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at all events. 
All event participants will meet outside when appropriate, and maintain a social distance to mitigate the spread of COVID.  We also ask all pilots to sanitize cockpits before and after each mission.  The hangar will be cleaned periodically throughout the day in high-traffic areas.  Access to hand sanitizer and restrooms for hand-washing will be available.  If a community is experiencing a COVID breakout, the event would be postponed to a safer date.

Virtual Fly Day

✨Registration is closed for this event.✨
👉Sign up for the newsletter to stay up-to-date on events and happenings:
If you have already signed up for the Virtual Fly Day you are invited to join us virtually on 
YouTube Saturday, March 5th, 2021 at 12pm CST. 


A few more details below:

Using 360-degree cameras mounted to the inside and outside of an aircraft, Pilot Glenn will take each co-pilot through the Palo Dura Canyons in West Texas just as if they were seated next to the pilot. With the use of a Virtual Reality headset, the co-pilot will have the ability to place a smartphone in the headset and look through it to experience the flight. The video is recorded to react to the viewer’s movement. If the child looks up, the video looks up. If the child looks out the window, the video looks out the window.


This event is offered at absolutely no cost to our co-pilots through the generosity of our donors. We are always in need of financial donations to get events like this off the ground. Big or small- every little bit helps. Consider making a voluntary $20 donation so we can continue to do great things in the lives of these children.

Donate here



Challenge Air for Kids and Friends needs your support. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
We invite you to join in the movement and help us build self-esteem and confidence in children and youth with special needs.
Click here to donate: