Author Archives: CAKF Editor

Giving Tuesday
👉DONATE EARLY: https://givebutter.com/CAGiving
In 1993, the Founder of Challenge Air, Rick Amber, decided to buy an airplane and use it as a motivational tool to increase confidence and self-esteem in kids with special needs by giving them an opportunity to fly.
Rick’s dream was to give 1 million children with special needs the opportunity to learn more about flying and to dream that one-day they too could become a pilot. In the past 30 years, Challenge Air has flown over 36,000 co-pilots and their families.
Please join us this Giving Tuesday (November 28th) to continue to pursue Rick’s goal of flying 1 million co-pilots. Each fly day event is offered at no-cost to our co-pilots and their families. It costs approximately $250 to fly one child with special needs. Please join us today, or on Giving Tuesday to help build confidence in children with special needs.
Help us to land 2023 well, and to take off in 2024! Thank you for your support.

North Texas Giving Day
>>>>> ❤️ GIVE TODAY: https://givebutter.com/NTX2024

Adopt A Co-Pilot


Dallas, TX Fly Day

Tyler, TX Fly Day
Tyler, TX Fly Day scheduled for May 14th, 2022

Virtual Fly Day
A few more details below:
Using 360-degree cameras mounted to the inside and outside of an aircraft, Pilot Glenn will take each co-pilot through the Palo Dura Canyons in West Texas just as if they were seated next to the pilot. With the use of a Virtual Reality headset, the co-pilot will have the ability to place a smartphone in the headset and look through it to experience the flight. The video is recorded to react to the viewer’s movement. If the child looks up, the video looks up. If the child looks out the window, the video looks out the window.
This event is offered at absolutely no cost to our co-pilots through the generosity of our donors. We are always in need of financial donations to get events like this off the ground. Big or small- every little bit helps. Consider making a voluntary $20 donation so we can continue to do great things in the lives of these children.


Amazon Smile
Help make a difference in the lives of children with special needs. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/75-2559486 to generate donations for Challenge Air for Kids & Friends